Part 450 launch and reentry license support

Launch providers and commercial spaceport operators in the United States must comply with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) licensing requirements. Even if a U.S. company is launching from a foreign location, these requirements are applicable.

Launch On Demand offers our clients expert guidance and technical assistance with the FAA licensing process. If desired, our team will act as a liaison between the client and the FAA to manage the pre-application process, tailor the means of compliance, draft the license application, submit the application, and respond to any inquiries from the FAA during the review process.

Let us help you with the FAA so you can focus on your launch business.

FAA Licensing Process

Vehicle Operator License






Safety Review

Environmental Review

Airspace & Waterway Integration

Policy Review


Payload Review

Safety Inspections

Financial Responsibility

FAA Licensing Process
Vehicle Operator License






Safety Review

Environmental Review

Airspace & Waterway Integration

Policy Review


Payload Review

Safety Inspections

Financial Responsibility

Safety Requirements
450.108 Flight Abort
450.109 Flight Hazard Analysis
450.110 Physical Containment
450.111 Wind Weighting

Flight Safety Analysis
450.113 Flight Safety Analysis Requirements-Scope
450.115 Flight Safety Analysis Methods
450.117 Trajectory Analysis for Normal Flight
450.119 Trajectory Analysis for Malfunction Flight
450.121 Debris Analysis
450.123 Population Exposure Analysis
450.131 Probability of Failure Analysis
450.133 Flight Hazard Area Analysis
450.135 Debris Risk Analysis
450.137 Far-field Overpressure Blast Effects Analysis
450.139 Toxic Hazards for Flight

Prescribed Hazard for Safety-Critical Hardware and Computing Systems
450.141 Computing Systems
450.143 Safety-Critical System Design, Test, and Documentation
450.145 Highly-Reliable Flight Safety System

Other Prescribed Hazard Controls
450.147 Agreements
450.149 Safety-Critical Personnel Qualifications
450.151 Work Shift and Rest Requirements
450.153 Radio Frequency Management.
450.155 Readiness
450.157 Communications
450.159 Pre-flight Procedures
450.161 Control of Hazard Areas
450.163 Lightning Hazard Mitigation
450.165 Flight commit criteria
450.167 Tracking
450.177 Unique Policies, Requirements, and Practices

COLA, Safety at End of Launch

450.169 Launch and Reentry Collision Avoidance Analysis Requirements
450.171 Safety at End of Launch
Simultaneously screens on miss distance, probability of collision, or both metrics.

Mishap and Test Induced Damage
450.173 Mishap Plan-Reporting, Response, and Investigation Requirements.
450.175 Test-induced Damage

Ground Safety
450.179 Ground Safety-General
450.181 Coordination with a Site Operator
450.183 Explosive Site Plan
450.185 Ground Hazard Analysis
450.187 Toxic Hazards Mitigation for Ground Operations
450.189 Ground Safety Prescribed Hazard Controls

FAA 450/420 Licensing Support

Describe Launch and Spaceport Licensing Requirements

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
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